Saturday, June 2, 2007

Answered Prayers

Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing well. Right now I am taking a break from the take home test that I have that is do tommorow night for Senor Green class to update you guys on whats going on. I received my passport yesterday (Friday)thanks to my good friend Cara Williams (I owe her BIG) who Fed-Ex'ed it to me when it was sent to Abilene. Thanks again Cara! So that took a lot off my mind, but now the daunting journey ahead of me is all the more real. I have about 30-35 hours of travel ahead of me, including a 5 1/2 hour layover in L.A. I ask you to pray that we have safe and easy travel this Monday through your Tues our Wed. Thank you all again and I will update when I get to Auckland! God bless!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell them the truth Ryan Jones!!! That you used me for a month, while I paid for everything; meals and trips. That I took you on a camping trip, on Valentine's Day, I paid for to help you cope with your brother's death. That on your brother's birthday, you got blackout drunk and I took care of you while you verbally abused me. That I saved your life because you were alcohol poisoned and were chocking on your own vomit. That after you committed yourself to me and told me to hang on while you sort all this out, you then disposed of me like yesterday's garbage. Tell them the truth!!! I am honorable and will defend this any day and anytime!!!! Why don't you tell them what an abusive alcoholic you are and how you can't it get up normally because you sit at home, jerking off to FART PORN (not a joke people SERIOUSLY-he jerked off to fart porn while I watched-HIS request). Don't you fucking dare lie about me when I treated you like gold and cherished you!!!